Mojezeye Eshgh Full Movie
The movie Mojezeye Eshgh Film (فیلم معجزه عشق) directed by Seyyed Mohammad Reza Mumtaz was made in 2023. This movie is produced in Iran and is in the genre of comedy and romance. In this film, Akbar Abdi, Kimia Babaiyan, Mirtaher Mazloumi, Elham Hamidi, Mohammad Reza Sohrabi, Pourandekht Mohiman, Mohammad Shiri, Abbas Mehboob and Hoshang Harirchian have acted as artists.
Freddie has a marriage and divorce office and family counseling. His brother has become a host of foreign networks abroad and this problem has caused him many problems. On the advice of one of his friends, he goes on a trip to calm down the tense atmosphere and keep him away from the sidelines, and on the way he meets a young woman.
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