Marde Noghrei Movie
Marde Noghrei Full movie (فیلم مرد نقره ای) is directed by Mohammad Hossein Latifi was made in 2018. This movie is produced in Iran and is in the genre of action and family. In this film, Mohammad Mahdi Soltani Sarvostani, Bahare Kian Afshar, Iraj Nozari, Behnoosh Bakhtiari, Nader Soleimani, Parsia Shakuri, Amirkian Abdi and Iman Amiri have acted as artists.
Marde Noghrei is about Iranian elites who want to raise the Iranian flag in the international taekwondo competition. The tournament is held in Turkey, but before it starts, a terrorist incident occurs and this is the beginning of the story…
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