Eradatmand Nazanin Bahareh Tina
Eradatmand Nazanin Bahareh Tina Movie (فیلم ارادتمند، نازنین بهاره تینا) is a film directed and written by Abdolreza Kahani, made in 2015. Abdulreza Kahani, who took a break for a while after the release of Absolute Rest in Iran and several other countries, and in the winter of 2014, he presented his new film in front of the camera. This movie has three main actresses who are Tanaz Tabatabai, Mahnaz Afshar and Aida Mahiani and the male actor of this movie is Mehran Ghafourian. The script of this film is also written by Kahani, a film whose story details have not yet been released to the media, but unlike the previous works of this director, it has a female atmosphere.
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