Gheble ye Alam Part 7 (سریال قبله عالم قسمت هفتم) is directed by Hamed Mohammadi and was made in 2021 in Iran. Ghebleh Alam series is a humorous drama is narrated with historical approaches. The story of the home TV series Ghebleh Alam has been written by Hamed Mohammadi. Its stars include a combination of film and television actors including Hamed Komili, Sougal Khaliq, Shaghayegh Dehghan, Hadi Kazemi and others have played in this Iranian Serial. Story: Naser al-Din Shah, known as the Ghebleye Alam aspire to achieve water elixir of life, elixir is prepared by a special doctor, drinking it bring you to comedy/fantasy universe.
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